There are many different types of tile available on the market, and it can be tough choosing the correct one for your home project. Two of the main tile types you'll hear about are pressed edge tile and rectified tile. Although each has its place in home design, there are some key differences.
Pressed Edge Tile vs. Rectified Tile
Pressed edge tiles have rounded edges that allow for more imperfection in the installation process than rectified tiles. Rectified tiles are machined to achieve a precise facial dimension and can be installed with narrower grout lines.
What is Pressed Edge Tile?
Pressed edge tiles come in a variety of styles and quality levels but, generally, they all require a wider grout line - usually about 1/8th of an inch. When choosing pressed edge vs. rectified edge tile, it's important that all of the chosen tiles are of the same quality and brand to ensure consistency in the installed product.
What is Rectified Edge Tile?
Rectified edge tiles are recommended only when the installer either has extensive experience installing flooring or is a professional in the discipline. It's also recommended that rectified edge tiles be installed on perfectly flat surfaces, as any variation or imperfection in the subfloor will make itself apparent in the finished installation.
What is the difference between rectified and pressed tile?
Many homeowners wonder, "Is pressed the same as rectified tile?" The short answer is, no. As discussed above, rectified tile is a more precise product with a lower margin of error in the installation process. Pressed edge tiles, on the other hand, come with rounded edges and require a wider grout line.
Designing with pressed edge tile vs rectified
When it comes to designing your interior, pressed edge is not the same as rectified for tile. Rectified tile's thin grout lines allow for a beautiful, contemporary look. Rectified tile can give the impression of continuous flooring for a high-caliber aesthetic.
Pressed tiles are often used for a precise but cost-effective look. They retain the traditional, wider grout lines, for a classic interior design aesthetic. Both pressed edge and rectified tiles are excellent choices for your home design project.